PAB was formed in response to frustrations at the level of service delivery offered by traditional large TAB agencies. With a belief in providing a truly knowledgeable, precise and quality driven service, PAB provides a professional boots on the ground response team to your problems, no fancy presentations but real everyday commonsense solutions to your problems from a seasoned, heavily experienced Mission Critical Operations Leadership Team.
PAB provides its customers with no nonsense, straight talking, military precision implementation of technical solutions to your concerns drawing on intelligence from within the industry marketplaces. PAB’s enduring relationships with the leading organizations in the region and overseas means PAB have access to the best critical thinkers and professional candidates available.
PAB is “Mission Critical”
Our Solutions enable commercial enterprises and government agencies to rely on their Facilities and mission-critical environments because PAB mitigates risks to their physical infrastructure & supports business strategies that depend on predictability and scalability.
We provide efficiency in controlling costs which relate to quality control, engineering and operation costs with consulting and management services relating to mission-critical facilities needs.
Management Team
Our team brings over 20 years of Mission Critical experience providing facility expertise to the Military, International Data Centers, Major Healthcare Facilities and Educational Facilities. We have a proven knowledge of mechanical infrastructure at all levels; our infrastructure experience allows us to work with many different cross-functional teams consisting of Architects, Engineers and Clients as well as Government and Military agencies.
Our standards and practices for independent Testing and Audits come directly from governing agencies such as ASHRAE, NFPA, BCA (Building Commissioning Association) and others and have been accepted by the City of Phoenix Arizona, US Department of Agriculture-Northern Arizona University, Marine Corp Air Station and US Army Proving Grounds Yuma Arizona and most recently by NASA and International School of Beijing, China.